Module Two - HQ2 Part 2
Participate in the hands on experiences in this module. it is essential to increase your awareness of how you interact with energy flow and information in our world.
experience how the techniques you will learn in this module apply to everyday life and start using them in your life
It’s time to get on the flow and ride it!
When developing psychic ability, it’s good to understand the tools and theory, however just like riding a bicycle, you cannot learn how to go from A to B without actually getting onto the bicycle and riding it. Greater awareness comes through experience, as much as reading or watching. This module offers hands on experiences that are fun and practical as well as educational. The saying ‘Practice makes perfect’, isn’t always helpful - caveat - it’s not good being perfect at things that don’t work, that’s exactly how we create blocks in our creativity. Better to say practice makes progress, when you move towards your goals. Be open to adapt and change in line with the results or validation that comes. If ever you are certain about anything, think again.
Lets begin with A fun test
Are you more right or left-brain dominant
There are many tests for this on Youtube, this one is interesting… it’s fun to use techniques to flip your awareness as you play around with these tests.
Rotating Leg and Arm Exercise
Experience your inner discord
In the following video I demonstrate an exercise that can alert you the conflict between the right and left brain. This sort of conflict can occur when you do any task that uses both sides of the brain; both sides will try to be dominant and then, no one wins -instant sabotage.
Browse don’t buy exercise
helping you to stay centred
Who can resist a sale?
Can you browse, without buying? Go to your favourite store, in person if possible, and if not you can do it online. As you browse, become aware of any ‘pull’ of energy that encourages you to buy. Make an intention not to buy a thing. Continue to browse with awareness, feeling what’s happening in your thoughts, emotions and body sensations. Can you feel the energy spells of buy buy buy that are woven into the energy of the retailer and hover in the ether?
When you take a walk around a shopping centre, with the intention of NOT buying anything, you are more aware of how other people’s energy, thoughts and feelings affect you. NOT BUYING IT is a useful skill to learn, but it takes practise and the desire to do it. Practice will help you to increase awareness enough to rise above this barrage of advertising and mass panic buying, which tends to pull us all in and wreaks havoc on our ideas of what is normal.
The same is true of negative gossip… who can resist a bit of juicy drama at times? However, be aware this another mind control trap, that’s so easy to fall into. Well done if you can resist, it’s good to sharpen that skill.
Make an unreasonable request Exercise
is it good to be disagreeable?
Could you be disagreeable?
In general, most of us know one, don’t we? That disagreeable guy or girl who seems to enjoy having a differing view to everyone else? A seemingly complicated person who loves to make unreasonable requests. BUT is it all bad? How do you feel about disagreeing with others?
Dare you disagree or make an unreasonable request? It may be a bit uncomfortable at first but please give it a try, to see what you learn. Once done, you can see if the responses you get surprise you.
You attract what you create. This experiment can be a mind-opening tool, so that you can learn to more easily ask for something, and still be okay if you get told' ‘no’. After all the saying “ if you don’t ask, you don’t get” has it roots in reality. And you’ll also see that ‘No’ won’t harm you.
Finally it’s good to remember that it’s okay not to agree with everyone. A moment of discomfort for you as an agreeable person could create a healthier boundary for your future self. Thinking for yourself can actually be a superpower!
Go for it; in the next few days, make an unreasonable request! And have a go at being a little bit disagreeable, act the part if you need to, just for the experience.
Three people exercise
Do our thoughts affect our body?
Thoughts really do affect the physical.
Think of someone you love, close your eyes, intend to discover where you feel it in your body.
Repeat the first step but think of someone who pushes your buttons or annoys you.
Repeat the first step but this time think of a stranger who caught your eye recently, but who you didn’t actually meet.
Did you feel a sensation in the body? Where did you feel it? Was it in different places for different people?
3 different place = good awareness
2 different places= reasonable awareness
1 place for all = practice discernment more
no feelings = You may need more experience in empathising with others, or for some reason you are not able or willing to expand your energy field to touch that of others. It may be helpful to consult with an energy healer or therapist to discuss your situation.
trigger your right-brain quickly and easily
and why you would want to
right brain is a doorway to the magic
The Left brain has abundant speech centres, so it’s easy and quick to hear it logically. The Right-brain has very few speech centres, so you need to learn a different way to “listen” to its valuable non-verbal communication. It’s useful, therefore, to be able to trigger Right-brain into dominance quickly and consciously so we can explore and practice how best to interpret its wisdom. The following video explains the quickest technique I have found to get into that right-brain flow of magic.
If you want to develop your sixth sense, this simple technique will help you get into the magic of the right brain flow and reduce stress.
Elevated cortisol levels can also interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, increase weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease and premature ageing, the list goes on and on. See the article “Cortisol: Why the "Stress Hormone” Is Public Enemy No. 1” in 5 ways to reduce cortisol safely. Should this third party link break search the title in
Brief recap -
1. Regular Physical Activity. Kickboxing, sparring, or a punching bag are terrific ways to recreate the “fight” response by letting out aggression (without hurting anyone), thus reducing cortisol.
2. Deep breathing and meditation. Any type of meditation will reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels. Simply taking a few deep breaths engages the Vagus Nerve which triggers a signal within your nervous system to slow heart rate, lower blood pressure, and decrease cortisol.
3. Social interaction. Make an effort to spend real face-to-face time with loved ones whenever you can, but phone calls and even social media contact can reduce cortisol if they foster a feeling of genuine connectivity.
4. Laughter. Try to find ways in your daily life to laugh and joke as much as possible, and you'll lower cortisol levels.
5. Music. Listening to music that you love, and that fits the mood you're in, has been shown to lower cortisol levels.
Changing the way we see art
from left-brain to right-brain
Focus on the picture below and use the techniques you’ve learned to flip back and forth between right-brain and left-brain dominance. Does the picture stays the same or does your perception of it change?
continue the journey towards
know thyself
Do you know what your name means?
The following website offers the hidden meanings of 970,660 names using a mathematical principle explained using the Kabalarian Philosophy. If this third party link should break link search on for meaning of first name.
It is a free service and worth exploring. The power in a name is underestimated. Remember ‘words’ have energy.
It’s a good idea to add any significant names to your glossary in module 3 as you build it for easy reference.
gif credits Bicycles