Module Three - Signs Part 1
Learn how to notice the signs and symbols as well as the quality of energy around you.
learn the difference between significant signs and what is simply everyday life happening around us
Practice interpreting signs and symbols using your intuitive skills.
how to Interpret signs
There is much written evidence to suggest that our ancestors knew ways to tap into the wisdom and strength of the spiritual flow and to ‘read’ the signs that unseen energy can make visible. This intuitive flow of information and wisdom that is available directly from our environment, each other, as well as our ancestors, is well-documented in ancient texts across most religions :
some examples are
Bhagavad Gita (Hinduism)
The Bible (Christianity)
Torah (Judaism)
Qur’an (Islam)
Guru Granth Sahib (Sikhism)
Tripitaka (Buddhism)
Why are we disconnected?
Sadly most of modern humanity is becoming more and more disconnected from the flow, due to the convenience enabled by modern technology, as well as the distraction of artificial intelligence and virtual reality games.
As fascinating as self driving cars, space travel and humanoid robotics are, we would do well to ask, how can we enhance something we already have that artificial intelligence cannot give us?
Our connection to the flow is a super power
Our own multi-sensory human connection to the flow, is for now the one thing we can do better than AI. We can use our connection to the flow to be stronger, calmer and wiser.
We can learn where to look for inspiration and helpful signs. When we learn to make good use of helpful signs and discard unhelpful, mind numbing distractions, we can step up and evolve into the next stage of human evolution.
'THE SIGNS' are under our noses.
These signs can include, but are not limited to;
Our own seemingly “senseless” scribblings, dreams, artwork and feelings.
Colours, symbols, numbers, animal teachers, super-natural elements.
Our homes, vehicles, clothing, life events and even the aches and pains in our bodies.
Media and entertainment.
This module offers a means of noticing and interpreting meaning from 'THE SIGNS'
The intention is to help you combine the best of both the modern world of technology and the ancient world of intuitive Intelligence. Even as we rely more and more on machines for many of our repetitive tasks. When we learn to translate the energy and information around us, as well as embracing high tech ideas, we can more easily survive and even thrive in this modern world as more advanced human beings.
The final lexicon/study-guide/interpretary in part 3 lists words alphabetically, sections 1 and 2 offer insights into specifics and shows how to apply the words as you go on. Please use them together.
This ‘hands on’ training is based on many years working with, and teaching creativity and intuition alongside metaphysics.
Subtle 'signs' are a rewarding source of universal wisdom and knowledge, once you learn to interpret and understand them, rather than overlook them.
How to use this guide
Parts 1 and 2 offer insight into specifics and show you how to apply the words as you go on. Please use them together. The Lexion (reference guide) in the Part 3 lists words that are used in Parts 1 and 2, so I recommend that you study it first and keep it handy for the first 2 parts.
You’ll find blank pages included in the Lexicon in Part 3 so that you to add your personal notes and observations as you continue through the other parts. It contains interpretations that have been used for many years, as well as a collection of recently coined terms.
You may find it useful to read through this module in sequence and then study the Lexicon or just ‘dip into’ to it when you need more information on the interpretation of a particular term as you continue through the exercises in further modules.
The interpretations included in the Lexicon are usually short and concise so as to inspire you to expand them, and also to develop additional interpretations of your own. There’s plenty of room for enhancing the understanding of the words.
Develop your own lexicon
Q “When I decide on the ‘meaning’ for a particular item to include in my personal Lexicon, what if it’s not correct?”
A However you interpret a word, be consistent and continue to use the same interpretation repetitively. When you do this, it will work for you.
Like learning a new language, practice, practice, practice. The ‘source’ of inspiration will use any feasible method it can to get messages through as clearly and accurately as possible. This is key - train your intuition wisely and relentlessly! When you add a word and meaning to your dictionary, use it repeatedly and pretty soon you will be fluent.
How To Notice The Signs
So how can you learn the difference between significant signs and what is simply everyday life happening around us? First, allow yourself to become receptive to sensing and feeling your way into right brain awareness, which is your feminine aspect. Then consciously open your mind to receive, and by doing so, you are taking the time to ‘listen’. Giving yourself permission to hear the normally incomprehensible information streaming, at lightning speed, into the right side of the brain.
Here’s a guideline or ‘rule of thumb’ to help you decide.
A man-made sign or an ego-driven want, is accompanied by a feeling of urgency, scarcity and fear of loss. Don't 'buy into this energy'!
In contrast divine direction or wisdom speaks in a unified voice. The feeling it brings is a sense of calm, even if the sign says 'No' to what we thought we wanted. This 'No' doesn’t have an accompanying sense of loss; instead it generates a feeling of calm acceptance and even relief as we realise whatever it was, was not for our highest good. We can even feel like we had a lucky escape!
Remember, the intuition delivers what we need, not always what we think we want.
Also remember, if a sign frustrates you and is not easy to interpret, it probably isn’t a sign at all. Let go of it and wait to see if it comes back. If it really is a sign, it will certainly be repeated.
The world is full of signs advertising, selling us something or other, mostly stuff that we don't need. Giving into their hypnotic effect and unrealistic promises of happiness and popularity results in in deeper entrenchment into debt and an often desperate need to find satisfaction outside yourself.
Once you are aware of the obvious as well as subliminal man-made advertising that is in your 'face' everywhere you go, affecting you on an subconscious level, you are better able to disregard it.
In a crowd
Other people’s energy, created by their thoughts and feelings, affects you on a subtle but profound level. The obvious example of this would be at a football game or a concert; the energy of the crowd is very discernible here, due to sheer volume of people.
To experience the subtlety of this energy in a marketing context, remember the exercise in HQ2 part 2; you were asked to go shopping, with the intention of NOT buying anything, and instead just watching people buying. It's very different, and more empowering to watch the energy in action from an aware and non-attached point of view.
This is a helpful skill to learn; firstly to have an awareness of what's happening, and then the desire to be able to step back to a neutral, yet alert, place in your mind. With regular practice, you can avoid being pulled back unconsciously into the BUY NOW or crowd mindset.
When we rise above this barrage of persuasive marketing designed to sell to the masses, we can find the beneficial signs the universe offers us and with that an accompanying sense of inner peace.
mind balancing energy
When you accept that some ‘signs’ are not just random ‘out there’ events, and that we actually orchestrate them subconsciously, you can benefit from interpreting their messages. It’s easier to understand the signs if you can achieve and maintain a balanced state of mind, and integrate balance into your mind, body and spirit. This means embracing the whole self, including the shadow side, which is the side that likes to critique. This side is not your enemy, it simply offers an alternate perspective to consider. Your ‘individual mind energy’ and the way you interact with the ‘Universal Mind Energy’ increases as you follow a path of increasing self-awareness. All kinds of people and situations appear to offer you practice.
According to Ancient Ayurveda our mind energies are known as Guna’s where:
Satvic means being of spiritual and nurturing energy.
Rajic means the King energy that can move and get things done.
Tamasic is being of opposing, resistant or shadow energy.
You can use the acronym BE ‘MORE’ to help you remember the types of mind energy we all need to balance:
Be Mindful of
Opposition, Reflection and Encouragement.
Like them or not, you need all of them, even though some are less easy to accept than others. They help you balance your thinking in order to embrace change easier, and when you change how you think and behave, everything around you can change. If you don’t change much, nothing else changes much. Change begets change. AND the inner changes are validated by the more obvious outer changes. It’s like a feedback loop; Inner changes brings outer change, which validates inner change and leads to more inner change and so on.
““If you want things to stay the same, things are going to have to change” ”
Mind in the Moment
Being attentive to what's happening in the moment is a valuable skill to develop. The mind tends to dwell in the past and worry about the future. This state leaves you with a reduced capacity to engage in what's happening here and now.
Your relationship with others will help you to see things that are happening in the moment, more than being alone. Once you focus on being aware in the moment, it is easier to appreciate the power of being in the now. When you start to practice sensing fully in the moment, it can feel uncomfortable, but it gets easier the more you practice it. Meditation or contemplation is key here; even simply remembering to practice mindful listening helps you to focus on the now. Listening to understand in the moment, is more valuable than listening to reply at some point in the future.
opposition or challenge
While you may feel uncomfortable about having the ‘gift’ of enhanced perception, when you meet with conflicting points of view, this conflict is an important part of your growth, even though you may want to reject it. Dealing with conflict provides you with a grounding in reality. It helps you to question your ideas and believes, to make them stronger. It helps us to question the validity of our interpretation of the signs.
Too much opposition however may make you defensive, unconfident and frustrated. Not enough may make you gullible, overconfident and foolhardy. As usual balance is key.
reflection or Mirroring
This is the most challenging gift for us to notice and digest. When a person or a situation keeps on repeating in your life, especially if it frustrates you, consider whether you have something important to correct. Although it’s very easy to point the finger at the others and blame them for a bad outcome, it’s more useful/productive to understand that we are all co-creators of a situation.
Not enough reflection may make you stubborn, belligerent and righteous. Too much may make you introverted, self-critical and paranoid.
or Empathy
It’s often easier to accept is the gift of encouragement and it is necessary. It can be subtle, or really quite obvious. This support brings us validation that we are worthy and that our interpretations are valid. This is an essential part of your journey because it can help a doubting mind to relax and perceive positively any signs that are significant. Once you receive and accept the validation of signs, you can start to trust your interpretations and your intuitive skills can grow.
Not enough empathy in your life may leave you feeling unsafe, stressed and fearful. Too much may make you complacent, over indulged and disempowered.
When a sign that deems itself worthy of investigation simply follow these Five Basic Steps to interpret the 'Signs'
1. If you notice the same thing at least 3 times, PAUSE to acknowledge it may be a sign. Why is three times the key? Once, gets your attention, but you can pass it off easily as something you imagined, or wishful thinking. Twice, gets your attention again, but now it's not so easy to pass off. You begin to wonder 'is it a sign?' The third time means that it is likely more than just chance or imagination; now it’s a sign at least worthy of investigation.
2. Where intention goes energy flows, so you pause, set an INTENTION to interpret what you notice. This is a vital, but simple step easily forgotten. You can say something like this: "I intend to interpret the meaning of this sign that keeps catching my attention for my highest good." Just mentally is enough, no need to speak out loud.
3. Simply ASK your intuition what the sign could mean. If you ask with clear intention, the answers will flow, and with practice you will 'know' which interpretation is the most fitting. Exercise your 'super-power' common sense by consulting your own inherent degree of practical knowledge, experience and judgement. Allow your intuition to guide you to the answers. You may find that this inner tutor (intuition) already knows a number of meanings that the sign could represent, when you pay attention to it. You can of course use and expand the Lexicon as a reference point to broaden your own ideas.
4. Examine the CONTEXT of where the sign is noticed. How did the sign appear, and is the context relevant to the meaning?
For example, I was once in my car and suddenly felt that the colour red is inviting my attention. I was wearing a red scarf; a red car caught my eye. Then I was stuck in traffic at road works on a red light for what seemed like far too long, making me late. As the car started moving, it spluttered, and its temperature gauge rocketed up into the red, so I knew I'd have to stop very soon, let it cool down and put some water in it. I assumed that I would probably have to miss my appointment. I was quite upset; I managed to get to a roadside café close by from where I could get water and make a quick call to apologise. Finally I was attracted to the name of the café on a red signboard: 'One Stop Café.' So, upon considering the context of these signs, I felt that they all seemed to be telling me to stop my car and wait.
5. Put thinking on hold for a moment and start FEELING… If we look up the colour red in the previous example, this colour can represent *passion, energy, excitement* or conversely *anger, danger, stop*. So I ask how does the sign make me feel? The red colour got my attention, especially at the traffic light. The feeling it gave me, was that I should stop and wait. The One Stop Café sign felt significant and somewhere comfortable to go. I felt at ease here even though I was late, which is unusual for me. So I stopped here.
When we examine signs with an open heart, we sense better the emotional messages. We sense if it's a message that we need to take notice of, even if it doesn't make rational sense at the time. The feeling gives an indication of how best to proceed. Validation tends to come in retrospect, as in the example of the colour 'red'. I found out later there was a serious accident on the road and if I had not stopped, I would have been involved in it.1. If we notice the same thing at least 3 times we PAUSE to acknowledge it may be a sign; but why is three times the key? Once, gets our attention, but we can pass it off easily as imagination. Twice, gets our attention again, but now it's not so easy to pass off; we begin to wonder 'is it a sign?' The third time is likely more than just chance; now it's a sign at least worthy of investigation/interpretation.
So to recap the 5 steps;
1. When a sign is noticed 3 times PAUSE to acknowledge it
2. INTEND to interpret what it means
3. Frame the question; ASK for meaning
4. Explore CONTEXT for more details
5. Your FEELINGS about the signs matter
Go deeper into feelings