Module Two - HQ2 Part 1
Understand how to balance the energy flow between logic (mostly left-brain) and inspiration (mostly right-brain)
become familiar with and PRACTICE cooperation between brain and heart.
open to the flow of worldwide wisdom that can inspire you, and learn how to better connect to and communicate with this flow.
what is energy flow
Within martial arts the flow of energy can be used as powerful means of self defence or combat. This life force energy is called 'Prana' in Sanskrit, and in China it's known as Chi or Qi. When a student can blend with the flow there is a sense of inner peace, an ability to see beyond the eyes and ‘see’ with the heart.
The video in this link shows Shaolin Monks practice The 14 Extreme trainings of Shaolin Warrior Monks It’s an interesting experiment to see if you can feel the energy generated by high energy individuals.
If this third party link should break and you are interested to see it, you can search the title to find it online.
Quantum perspective change
Some things appear solid and separate in the world at large, but actually seem connected when we look right down on the Planck scale, which is a system that can measure incredibly tiny distances in the quantum field.
From a Quantum perspective, everything in the universe is connected and therefore Information and energy flows through one thing to another and so on. Quantum Physics is certainly changing our view of the world and everyone in it, from an egocentric human experience that ensures we feel separate and individual, to the idea that we are all part of a greater oneness.
More information about being connected at the quantum energy level for those interested to study quantum physics more It Is the Consciousness Global? Are We All Connected As One? One Mind - One Energy If this third party link should break, simply search the title to find it on Youtube.
“It is the master form of all energy working on the level of mind, life and body. Indeed the entire universe is a manifestation of Prana”
“Pranayama is derived from two Sanskrit words - Prana (life) and Ayama (control). Pranayama is therefore ‘life control’ and not ‘breath control”
“It took me ten years to discover my Chi, but thirty years to learn how to use it. Once you see the benefit, you won’t want to stop.”
“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”
Vedic texts reveal what ancient mystics knew thousands of years ago; prana, qi or chi energy is all around us and even in the air we breathe.
Inspire means to breathe in, also to motivate, to fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something; it also means to do something creative. How illuminating to look at the root meaning; etymology of 'Inspire' this link should take you to where you can find the root meaning of many words.
When you become aware of life-force energy, you can start to feel it more consciously and you will naturally increase your potential to benefit from it.
Metaphorically speaking we are like offline computers that can connect through a modem or router to the Internet and its network of information. Your limited personal wisdom can be enhanced when you connect ‘to the flow’ through your chakras, giving you access to a universal network of wisdom and knowledge.
Although connecting is natural and innate as children, we aren’t taught how to sustain this at school. In fact the opposite happens: modern schooling unwittingly shuts down innate wisdom in favour of conventional knowledge that follows reductionist theory. In other words, that everything is made up of separate parts.
The only option we have left is to consciously relearn and practice connecting with the Internet of Life-Force energy that connects us together. The good news is, by opening your mind to courses like this one, you open yourself up to a new way of understanding life. When you learn how to open and close your Chakras, you can quite literally log on and log off at will to the universal network of life force, and the wisdom it carries.
What is HQ2 and why is it a good idea?
I use the term HQ2, to represent ‘Heart Quarters’ and 'Head Quarters' working together as a team. Why is this a good idea? When the head and heart cooperate, you can achieve holistic Intelligence and wisdom, and connect more easily to the ‘flow’.
Connecting or disconnecting with the flow is an inside job!
When you feel angry or fearful you can get stuck in competitive left-brain thought patterns that separate you from the flow. Whereas when you see through the right-brain lens of cooperation and empathy, you feel connected and grateful; you open your mind to the flow of love between all beings. This balance is important; simple to say, although not so easy to do.
Based on centuries of studies into the biology of the human brain and heart, current theories indicate that the brain may in fact have no pain sensors, (nociceptors) therefore never actually feels physical pain. “The brain is so insensitive to painful stimuli that neurosurgeons do not need to apply anaesthesia to the brain tissue they operate on, allowing patients to be awake and completely responsive for the whole procedure.” Dubin- Adrienne E., and Ardem Patapoutian. "Nociceptors: the sensors of the pain pathway." The Journal of clinical investigation 120.11 (2010): 3760. - if you have the desire to see for yourself please note this is a third party link and if it should break, search the title to find it on Youtube. Perform Brain Surgery Live on Awake Patient NOTE if you are sensitive this video can be disturbing.
In contrast, the heart actually does feel both physical and emotional pain. This 'heart pain' can trigger emotional reactions that override logic. We no longer think logically, and instead we are subject to overwhelming influences that affect our behaviour and in turn can damage our relationships with ourselves and with others.
When we are in pain, the areas responsible for creativity usually shut down forcing us to repeat the same limiting thought patterns developed during early childhood. These patterns generate powerful emotional waves of self sabotaging actions. We think it, we speak it, we emote it and then we manifest it according to our pattern. More on taming your patterns in Module Seven.
Imagine what could happen being guided only by a leader who can’t feel physical pain.
Head Quarters, Seat Of Thinking & Decision Making
The brain is considered the seat of THINKING, processing and decision making. Typically the left-brain is focused on logical thinking, math and problem-solving, and the right-brain on emotional feeling, intuition, creativity and connection. In the world we live in, left-brain focus tends to dominate, where 'civilised' society pushes people to compete instead of cooperate, and to rationalise instead of feel.
Teaching the two sides of your brain to work as a team that collaborates with an effective Head and Heart connection is the key to developing an effective sixth sense This, along with our head and heart connection, is the key to developing sixth sense interpretation effectively.
Scientists previously used Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Roger Woodcote-Sperry's theory that the brain has a fixed map. More recently the scientific community accepted the hypothesis that the brain constantly evolves and adapts to its current environment, and that this plasticity is a flexible channel that can be adjusted and modified by experiences and environmental stimuli. This can result in a heightened awareness and ability to set intent.
What if each of us has access to experiencing our lives in completely different ways? In this Q&A with Jill Bolte Taylor, the neuroanatomist discusses her research on the right-brain vs. left-brain experience and how thinking on this topic has changed over time.
Heart Quarters Seat Of Emotion & Connection
The heart is the seat of FEELING. Feelings cause emotions. Waves of e-motion are potentially power tools that set creative energy into motion towards the reality of which we are conscious, and when used wisely is a valuable resource.
When emotions overwhelm you, they have the power to literally ‘move’ you to the point that you are compelled to take actions that are different your normal behavior. This is typically to avoid a perceived cause of pain or suffering. Empathic people, in particular, can feel as if something or someone other than them is ‘calling the tune’. At times this is annoyingly true.
As you observe other people, and especially the media, you can perceive an external energy that provokes waves of emotions causing a powerful reaction. In highly sensitive people this situation is often overwhelming.
On top of that, the emotional programming set in place during your formative years, (both societal and ancestral) can also cause a reaction that repeats patterns of self-sabotaging behaviour.
Study this further in the Traversing Your Timeline module (Module 7), which will offer you new and different ways and means to resolve this problem.
The way we speak is our primary means of communication in the modern world at large, were we share news of what’s happening. Language acts as an information highway passed down from our ancestors. If you consider what is often said about the heart, it becomes curiously obvious that “heart” wisdom is equally as important as the head. The following common phrases highlight a innate wisdom of inner knowing about the capacity of the heart:
‘Listen to your heart, not your head’
‘Home is where the heart is’
‘My heart sings’
“Let’s get to the heart of the matter”
Quotes by the following famous muses also echo this sentiment -
We get a true sense of how important the heart is as well as knowing how important the head is. As you can see a balance of head and heart leadership is a really helpful balance.
“The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and knows what the mind cannot understand. ”
“Go to your bosom; knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know… ”
“Beware what you set your heart upon, for it surely shall be yours. ”
Yin yang /Order Chaos
The Tao symbol known as Taiji, signifies a perfect balance of yin and yang underlying our reality. Just as the male sperm adds energy and information to the female egg to form another life, our (yang) conscious intention acts on our (yin) chaotic emotion to direct the power towards creating an intended goal. When the Head and Heart work together with a focus on the flow of energy, you tap into the magic of the universe and modify the rules of what you previously considered possible.
By using increasing awareness, you can learn to generate the thoughts and emotions that best serve the highest good for yourself and those you wish to help. In doing so, you modify the unconscious, destructive patterns that keep you spellbound in limited ideas and beliefs, and replace them with conscious, nourishing patterns of behavior. I will discuss this further in the enVisioning Mandalas module (Module 8) and Traversing Your Timeline module (Module 7).
These power tools of creation work all the time, whether or not you are conscious of what you are thinking and saying! It could be that your thoughts are the waves that manifest particles into reality, specifically when you pay attention to them. Be aware!
For your further interest only. not an essential part of the course, check out the video of the double slit experiment of Dr Dean Radin, in which he explains the quantum physics that occur when we pay attention to waves and particles: New Experiments Show Consciousness Affects Matter ~ Dean Radin, PhD should this third party link break you can use your search engine to search the title shown.
Words are the magic we ‘spell’!
“In the beginning was the word”
There are schools of thought that believe that sound waves do indeed create matter. It’s believed the ancient Egyptian God Ptar created the universe by his thought and then his word.
Experiments presenting evidence of this idea are called - Cymatics. This video shows Evan Grant giving a talk on about Cymatics and its applications, as well as theorising about how sound could well have formed the universe
Hans Jenny was the first scientist in Europe to show these patterns in sand reacting to sound. This is part of sound healing, and speaks to the power in a Mantra, and other resonant, repetitive sounds to bring order out of chaos. You can experience a healing meditation with sound waves created by Tibetan Singing Bowls and Gongs in Module Four.
There is a wealth of fascinating information on sound.
Nasa has discovered sound waves being emitted by a supermassive black hole in the centre of the Perseus cluster, which turns out to be a constant B-flat. In our chakra system B-flat frequency sits between the Third-eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra and between the colours Indigo and Violet. The story of their discovery of Black Hole Sound Waves can be accessed here, If this link breaks you can find it by searching the title.
“Sept. 9, 2003: Astronomers using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory have found, for the first time, sound waves from a supermassive black hole. The "note" is the deepest ever detected from any object in our Universe.” - Nasa Website.