spirit portraiture
During my spiritual quest, I managed to develop the unusual gift of being able to draw recognisable portraits of loved ones in spirit without seeing photographs of them first and also to interpret their messages.
I drew the spirit portraits in the gallery below, during consultations with clients who wanted to reconnect with their deceased loved ones. The aim was to achieve evidence of their presence through drawing a recognisable portrait and sharing specific memories, personality traits and loving messages. This connection offers comfort and closure to grieving clients. The photographs next to the drawings were given to me after the consultation by clients kind enough to share their precious photographs to validate the likeness and open the door for others to see what's possible.
Spirit guide portraits
Whilst I get a lot of validating photographs of portraits of loved ones, I don't often receive validating photographs of Spirit Guides, but occasionally I do and its a lovely surprise. The guidance they bring is their validation, in that it is significant, helpful and sometimes life-changing to the client. It has also been reported to me on numerous occasions that the pictures allow for a more tangible connection with The Spirit Guide after the consultation.
should i be nervous?
Although some clients are nervous thinking that it may be frightening to connect with those who have died, I assure you that clients are relieved by how 'normal' the connection is. Nothing spooky or dramatic to see here, that's just not my style.
Recently a client in Athens made me laugh by telling me about a conversation she had on the phone with a friend the day before her appointment with me.
The friend asked, "Shall we meet for coffee tomorrow?"
She replied, "I can't tomorrow as I am seeing June-Elleni to talk with my Mother."
The friend then replied without missing a beat "Oh okay, I'm going to see her today to talk with my Father!"
Neither woman had mentioned they knew me before that day and although their parents where in spirit, the conversation was perfectly natural to them!
spirit portrait
Click on the portraits shown in the gallery if you want to see actual photographs of the same person drawn given by clients after their consultations that validates the likeness. Sometimes the likeness is quite similar, while other times it’s surprisingly accurate. The variation seems to depend on how the loved ones remember themselves, while they were alive, and also how strong my connection with them is. Unsurprisingly they often appear younger than when they passed away. Also interesting to note many portraits are a more accurate likeness when viewed through a mirror, just as the person remembers seeing themselves in a mirror.
This spirit portraits is the result of an ipad drawing where my clients Dad started off remembering himself older, but then changed his mind, showing himself younger and in his prime. Fascinating things can happen on the ipad drawings and video evidence. Although the older picture you can see happens very quickly at the start of the drawing, because it was recorded I was able to screen shot the video to get a still picture and spot the likeness with his older photo.
Alfred Wallace story
Dead but still kicking
The portrait of “Alfred” was the result of a sitting in 2019 with Paul Sochaczewski. Sochaczewski did not give June-Elleni any information about the man he wanted to contact other than the name “Alfred.” He specifically did not identify Alfred as being Alfred Russel Wallace, the Victorian-era naturalist, explorer, and developer of the theory of natural selection. Wallace was also a confirmed and vocal spiritualist, and was involved in the founding of the College. On completion of the conversation, which clearly was with Wallace, June-Elleni showed Sochaczewski the spirit drawing she had made during the session, and he was stunned by the similarity to the real Wallace. She even included, very faintly, the wire-rimmed eyeglasses Wallace wore.
Kindly donated by Paul Sochaczewski.
This is Paul’s book featuring this encounter for those who would like to read more
Photograph supplied by Author
Photograph Wallace older
Drawing by June-Elleni