Module Three- Signs Part 2
Learn to gather and expand on, any available inspiration so that you can interpret it into meaningful verbal communication.
Extracting Meaning From The Signs –
The interpretations offered in part 3 lexicon can help you discover meaning from on-going life signs as well as particular individual life events. This will increase your emotional intuitive intelligence. You may notice that you have the same old problems that repeat in your relationships, work, studies, health etc.
The way to change outcomes is to change inner perspective. Let’s try thinking about problems as if they are questions and see what happens.
When you search for words in the lexicon to interpret on-going life problems, you need to look at specific details about the problem such as 'my knee hurts again'. In this case you would search the word ‘knee’, to find clues, why does my knee hurt? You can also find help in the dreams section in Module 4 part 2.
Shamans tell us life events are simply dreams of the day, and can be interpreted in the same way as metaphors.
When we get validation that certain 'signs' are not just random 'out there' events, and we actually orchestrate them subconsciously for our own benefit, we can be open to receive and work with the valuable insights they bring.
Please develop your Lexicon as a study guide to interpret the case study readings you will find helpful to complete,in the next set of modules.
Are used to hold energy at a place & space, as a ritual or spiritual practice where people add to the energy. Religions have sacred symbols, often geometrical. Alchemists denote substances through symbology. Differing shapes have different functions; geometry emits energy.
There are some symbols in the Lexicon and many more on line. You can add more to your interpretary, as you go on.
World Wide Web
Is a vast source of information that can help build our Lexicon. It's like a metaphor of the natural energy network that joins humanity together in oneness. All we need to know is 'what' to ask. This is a metaphor for life too. Let your intuition guide you.
Are used in your readings, inspirational drawings, clothing, dreams, foods, visions in everyday life. The Lexicon covers basic colours to give you a head start. Colours are an important part of metaphysical art. Add more as you go along. A colour may have 2 or 3 meanings and you will know which to choose based on the context and/or the feelings that accompany the colours that come in.
What is my body telling me?
Body whispering turns to 'body shouting' if we don't listen; that Means serious pain and dis-ease!
Body Whispering –
The hidden language in our body
Body Language – which side?
Right side of body is usually controlled by the left-brain hemisphere – generally indicates practical and material issues, the masculine side. The outer world.
Left side of body is usually controlled by the right brain hemisphere – generally indicates spiritual and metaphysical issues, the feminine side. The inner world.
Body Language – which part?
Areas of the body are listed alphabetically in the lexicon. Feel free to add more areas of the body to your version, as you feel they are helpful; simply use a mixture of intuition and common sense to interpret them. Think about the purpose of the particular body part, and how it fits as a metaphor with what is happening in your life? Pain is the quickest way to get our attention. I’ll use liver as an example.
Search the body part on-line to help with the meaning
Example… search 'what does the (…Liver…) do?
Q - What is the function of the liver
A - The main function of the liver is to -
1. Process nutrients from food
2. Make bile
3. Remove toxins from the body
4. Build proteins
SO what could it mean if your liver is getting your attention?
Check both physically and emotionally –
1. Our nutrients – are we eating well? are we listening to useful information?
2. Bile - Is our ability to break down food or information working well, are we assimilating our intake?
3. Are we taking in too many toxins, unhelpful food or information?
4. Are we building a healthy body/mind/life-style?
At first the answers may seem subjective, but as you build on your interpretation skills, with practice, they become more and more practical.
As you explore meanings for parts of your body that get your attention, remember to take into account the nature of the pain or disease as part of the interpretation, to gain even more insights. If the disease features a certain colour; maybe a bruise or a rash for example, interpret the colour as part of the interpretation. Or if your pain has any limiting factors, keep in mind how the pain or disease is curtailing your life style. For example a broken leg, might be telling you to rest, take a break from running or working too hard. Sometimes it really is as simple as that.
When numbers get our attention
Numbers are our 2nd verbal language; they overcome language barriers and bring together the whole brain in cooperation. Although the left-brain uses them to calculate math, the right brain also responds to them as symbols and quantities.
Different Cultures interpret numbers differently depending on tradition, and numerology is highly regarded by many as a secret language in itself. If you wish to study more you can find many books on the subject but you can find numbers 0 to 9 in the glossary as a basic guide.
Zero being pure potential or God the creator, and nine being the fullest manifest number. 10 can be regarded as the 1 standing beside 0, and so on, or alternatively, you may use a reduction system where 10 = 1 (1+0 =1), 11 = 2 (1+1=2), 24 = 6 (2+4=6) as so on, adding the number together to form the root number, or smallest reduction possible. It doesn't matter which you use in your lexicon; just be consistent, remember repetition is key to accuracy in translation. Feel free to add your favourite numbers; we all have some. lastly we often hear the phrase power numbers; these are repeats such as 333 or 777 and of course through repetition, we can feel the energy is magnified!
What can animals teach us?
There is an ancient tribal idea that animals are our teachers. Each animal has its unique way of being in the world and has qualities that help it to survive and thrive. There are so many totem animals to choose from and the lexicon contains just a few with a powerful message for everyday life. Add more as you go on.
The Internet has many websites dedicated to this subject and a simple search of 'totem animal wisdom' will attract more than enough ideas, when you encounter an animal we have not included here. If you don't have Internet access when you encounter an animal, you can intuit the meaning by watching the animals behaviour in the world and your own intuitive reactions to it.
Animal messages can come in many forms, through artwork, photographs, TV, movies, dreams or through actual encounters with the animal, which tend to really catch our attention.
Example – Amongst the traffic and crowds on a London street, a tiny mouse is running dangerously along the roadside. It scurries along looking for an escape route. Within a few minutes it quickly darts across the pavement and squeezes itself through an impossible size gap in the corner of a closed doorway into a nursery school. It escapes against the odds..
Mouse Totem - Asks you to see what is right before your eyes and to take action accordingly. Look at the small details, then look at the bigger picture. Are you being too timid?
Explore context, remember the mouse was in danger and it escaped under the door and into a day nursery. A quick Internet search of 'what is a day nursery' brought to light this message. Day Nursery – A place where children are left to play and learn when adults go to work. So, this incident uncovered several important issues. Is it time to escape and start playing, are you working too hard and risking your well-being? Does your work require too much attention to small detail? Does it seem impossible to escape from your job? Like the mouse, are you being too timid at work? Take the advice of mouse - see what is right before your eyes and take action in this case to escape accordingly!
What about Metaphors?
When we compare two seemingly different things, which hold a common thread or message. Used widely in teaching to offer students an insight or new perspective on a situation, without the emotional attachment to it. The life metaphors included here, can be used to help us interpret non-verbal messages in the world at large, and also in our dreams. The idea that our environment is constantly communicating to us is not a new one. The ancient mystics and shamans were fully aware that consciousness has many forms, not just human. By becoming aware of these metaphors, we can make our interpretation creative, interesting or entertaining and therefore often easier to digest. Sometimes the metaphor is obvious other times it is subtler and we have to think more carefully about how it relates to our situation. With practice you will become more and more able to translate and understand how wisdom can speak through metaphor
When modern science extended its observation to the galaxies above and the atoms below, it made a surprising discovery: the atom has a strikingly similar resemblance to a solar system. Both are comprised of particles kept in orbit by the gravity of an energetic core. Modern Science has reiterated the wisdom of the ancients, who coined the very same discovery in the adage: as above, so below.
What can we learn from this is, knowing when we look outside into the world, we can sometimes see a reflection of what is within us. More especially the things we don’t particularly like and don’t want to see; often traits hidden from our view of ourselves, our shadow self.
Sometimes however what we see represents the exact opposite of our qualities, often to the extreme. It can mean we can sometimes benefit if we adopt some of that quality that’s getting our attention.
Example - If someone behaving like a loud-mouthed bully, we may need to look at a time when we have bullied others. If this doesn’t fit, the opposite may apply, that is we need to stand our ground more and speak up louder. Either way it’s a great chance to correct ourselves so we can learn and grow.
Generally in the physical word opposites attract, but energetically like attracts like.
We have already used metaphors as examples previously, such as, 'the red traffic light' and the 'escaping mouse' from the colours and animals sections. We can also learn from metaphors, which we find directly relate to our lifestyle choices, possessions and behaviours – our personal branding if you will.
Clothing & Accessories
Personal Branding
How we dress and adorn our body has an affect on our energy and how we are perceived in the world. These items can either benefit or hinder us depending on the choices we make and how aware we can become.
My Grandfather would say that there is no such thing as detrimental weather, only detrimental clothing. Are you serving yourself well with your choices?
Clothing items also listed in the lexicon.
What could our transport mean?
Personal vehicles signify our individual journey through life.
A shared vehicle denotes that relationship.
Public Vehicles signify the shared journey through life with our community/nation/world. They indicates how well we move towards our destination. Are we choosing, or just going along with the crowd? What's our place in the world and how easily we travel, relates to how comfortable we are on our life path.
Our vehicle is an indicator, and a buffer zone that is a step away from our physical body. It's therefore important to notice if your vehicle is seeking your attention. If you manage to get a message from the vehicle, it can mean you don't have to experience the message in your body. It's easier to fix or get a new vehicle, than a new body!
Take a look at any challenges with vehicles and see them as metaphors such as this – Vehicles Parts – in lexicon
For any part of your vehicle that comes to your attention but is not listed in the lexicon, check the function of the part and what it does for the vehicle and look for the metaphor. Trust your intuition. Also remember to check the context when the issue comes to light. Context is important to the translation of meaning of a sign you are reading.
A shared vehicle – Denotes a relationship. If something happens with the vehicle to get your attention, look at what it may be telling you about the relationship.
Is Home where your Heart is?
Our Home
Can be related to a journey towards spiritual empowerment. Different rooms in our home are directly associated with different aspects of our life, personal security and shelter. The condition of our home is directly related to the condition of our life. What messages is your home offering you? How is it getting your attention? A selection of areas are listed in the lexicon.
Deepening Interpretations
words are magic that’s why we spell them
To deepen interpretations, combine sections together to give more detailed meanings.
Example; We combine colours with locations on the body when we draw auragraphs– you can refer to the lexicon to interpret the colours and areas of those colours in aura graph readings done in Module Four Part 3.
Don't worry you will get the idea as you start practicing.
As you become more practiced using your personal language, you will naturally start to combine the sections that 'feel' right as you speak. And it can become a pleasant and fun way to interpret, learn and develop.
Interpretations that have been used many times have stronger energetic memory, than those of a personal and obscure translation. In other words, following the well-used tracks on a journey is often easier than having to forge a new path through uncharted territory.
That said, sometimes, the new path can be creative and enjoyable so we may choose that route, at times, even though it’s more challenging. Whether we research to find an interpretation that others have used before us, or simply use our own ideas is a choice, and either way it will be right for you at the time.