Module One - Intuition, Intention & motivation
Discover what intuition is.
Learn to question your motivation and refine your intentions to prevent self-sabotage
Grasp how to create and hone powerful intentions so you can trust them without hesitation. You will be asked to refer back to this in module six
Understand the importance of acknowledgement on the road to manifestation.
Setting an intention is creating an opportunity to direct the potent energy of creation towards your goal.
How to make a clear intention
Words are magic, that’s why we spell them.
When outlining your intention, use goal-focused words that define exactly what you want, and NOT what you don’t want. This may seem obvious, yet often our words are outside of our awareness. So often the words we habitually use in that gap outside of our awareness, are the ones that manifest. Mind the Gap!
EG. If a person were to say “l want to lose weight”, their focus is being directed towards two things they unconsciously don’t want. Unfortunately this intention is confusing and often has the opposite effect of what they want to achieve.
1. If they focus on LOSS the energy evokes a sense of loss or failure as well as an internal struggle between wanting to lose weight, while subconsciously igniting the fear of loss; this can create yo-yo weight loss, then weight gain, as the struggle plays out. It can lower your frequency.
2. Also by focussing on WEIGHT, they attracts weight and heaviness, so are liable to gain even more weight as it can also lower your frequency.
Note. Although physically opposites do attract, when it comes to energy like attracts like.
So if that person were to use goal-focused words describing the goal they really want, they might say “I want to be lighter, slimmer or healthier. These words attract a sense of lightness, slimness and higher frequency.
Acknowledgement fast-tracks growth
At the end of a week or month after setting an intention, it’s useful to reflect back on your intention. Check in with your feelings and explore the results. Acknowledge any part of the intention that has manifested, however small it may be. Your acknowledgement is like water to help a seed of intention to grow. It’s also good to acknowledge your progress periodically throughout this course. It truly helps you to see your progress and motivates you to move forward consistently.
attachment - Non-attachment - detachment
It is necessary to be clear about your intention, but not attached to the final outcome. It’s useful to distinguish the difference between attachment, non-attachment and detachment.