Hello you
A warm welcome to this Course
It is my heartfelt intention to help you set and achieve your goals, as you join our community of spiritual seekers on this journey towards your amazing potential. The changing view of life in these disruptive and challenging times is not a coincidence, on the contrary it is the perfect opportunity to embrace a new rite of passage. Spiritual wisdom isn’t limited to a few ‘special’ Gurus or religious leaders; we all have the ability to tap into universal wisdom. This course is designed to show you ‘how to’ achieve this. Our choice is simple, repeat old patterns that can lead to anxiety and self-sabotage or evolve in love.
Personal development is an important part of the journey towards developing your metaphysical sixth sense. The combination of the two, side by side fast tracks your evolution, supercharging your potential and increasing your ability to know where to go, every step of the way. In a world that is on course to become overwhelmed by artificial intelligence sooner than many of us think, we need to step up to the next level as soon as we can.
I agree to the following -
After opening my Chakras as instructed to use my extra sensory perception, I will cleanse and close down after I finish working them, to maintain a clear healthy aura.
This course offers direction and guidance, which is intended to be informative and helpful, but I agree that I remain responsible for my own actions and well-being throughout the course.
I will abide by the honour code; I agree not to share or teach the material from this course to others. I will not share the Module content unless authorized to do so by my mentors.
I will not share outside of this training any private information gathered from case studies conducted as part of my training.
I will acknowledge even small changes in my progress, which helps me to increase my success.
I will take my time to complete the course, because hurrying or trying too hard to ‘get it right’ will sabotage my success. Each person learns differently and the goal is to learn, not compete with anyone else. NB If you find you need longer than the two year subscription period to finish the first three modules please reach out for a free 30 day extension.
I Intend to be calm and relaxed, believing I can successfully complete the course in my own time-frame. Thus removing unnecessary pressure, which enhances my progress.
I will not consume alcohol or mind altering drugs while reviewing or completing the course materials and exercises. In altered states, we give up our ability to focus, stay safe and progress in a sustainable manner.
When practising readings, I will refrain from offering judgmental interpretations based on my own views or opinions, whenever possible. I’ll intend to look through the lens of love, not fear, when offering messages to others. I will present any problems or challenges I may sense, as opportunities to learn, rather than imbibing clients with fear.
I understand that the course materials provide information that I can use for personal and spiritual development, but does not qualify me to counsel, diagnose or treat mental or physical illness or injuries for myself or others.
A certificate of completion will be awarded to students who attain competency by completing module quizzes with a score of 75% or higher. Please note enrolling on this course does not guarantee certification. Also see terms and conditions.
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