Module Seven Part 7 -amazing adventure
discover how to recognise your future self
Explore a new way to think about time
give healing to your child self
learn to open a time loop and attempt to interpret the information your future self can send
Learn to close the time loop and practice the best method of sending information back
practice sending and receiving information through your TIMELINE until it makes sense
Understand why your future self will not tell you Everything
read the testimonials to understand the benefits of this practice and realise this is the beginning of an amazing ADVENTURE
a handshake from the future
When you’ve travelled along your timeline, you may have noticed something that you do naturally when you visit your child self so that they can recognises you. Similarly when your future self visits you through your timeline, you may get the same familiar sense of them. It may be a feeling, a thought, an emotion or even a catch phrase. This signal becomes like a trusted handshake, a consistent way of saying hello it’s me, I’m here, I got you!
Notice it, repeat it when you visit your younger self, so that future you learns to do it well. It’s challenging to communicate without a physical body!
how to recognise your future self
Sometimes we can ‘see’ our future self, sometimes it’s just a feeling. When you travel back to your child self you may like to stand behind yourself and make a mental connection, you may sit alongside or even hug yourself, whatever works for you is best. With practice it will become clearer.
Once you initiate TYT, you start to feel the presence and recognise the handshake, which brings with it a sense of feeling safe loved and connected. It’s important to look out for this and be able to feel into it. The familiarity of the energy when you visit will grow. It becomes so comforting to feel the energy of an older wiser self standing behind you, looking out for you.
What will your future self tell you?
Your future self will only tell you what you need to know, to help you to get the most out of your human experience.. It may surprise you that having a reasonable amount of uncertainty in life is of benefit to you!
Why? Just imagine if you knew the result of a game before you played, what would be the point of playing at all, the experience would be pointless and the game would be over before it began. Sometimes it feels like agony having to wait to find out results, but in that waiting we often experience hope. Hope is what keeps us interested in life and continuing to create this human experience.
healing your sleeping child
This exercise is especially useful for people with fearful childhood memories that would benefit from healing energy.
If you are already a healer, you can use any extra healing techniques you have learned on your little self that feels right, while you follow the audio guide below *TYT
Even if you don’t know any extra healing techniques just follow the guidance in the audio to give and receive healing. Whatever you give to your child, comes back along the timeline into you too. What goes around, comes around. As you will see in the Blue Bead Story later.
how does it work?
OPEN A TIME LOOP You do that by asking for a message from your three months in the future self, and receiving a message from them. Listen to the audio, How to open a time loop.
MAKE A DIARY NOTE to remind your three months future self to send the information you received back to yourself in three months time.
CLOSE THE TIME LOOP You do that when you arrive at the date you asked to receive a message from. At that date you send the message back to past self three months ago.
open a time-loop to borrow from the future
Seeking help from our Future Self is like asking for guidance from a spirit guide, with the distinction lying in the intention to connect with our future self instead of a spirit guide. The help we receive from our future selves is grounded in their experiences from the future timeline, as they possess knowledge of what we will need and when we will need it. They have already lived through the very situations we are encountering now.
Although comprehending this concept might seem challenging initially, remember to be patient with yourself—you are doing great. The audio below will lead you through the process of receiving a message from your future self.
close a time-loop send back what you borrowed
A good rule for life. If you borrow it remember to pay it back.
When you seek to borrow wisdom from a future date in time, make a note in your diary, to remind yourself upon reaching that future date, to send the acquired wisdom back through time to your past self. This creates and completes a time loop. It also helps you learn how to send and receive messages through the timeline.
How to close a time loop
Practice makes progress
Practice opening and close time loops often it will teach you how to do it well.
Interpret the messages from the future, and when that dates comes around in your diary, be sure to send those messages back as clearly as you can.
Keep practising this until you become really good at sending and receiving clear information.
And finally read some of the amazing stories below which are accounts of others students experiences to show you what in the world is possible.
the following testimonials are real life stories of students studying tyt
the remarkable blue beads experience
“ Years ago I bought a string of blue beads just on a whim on Ebay, they are really not my type of thing so I put them away in a drawer.” They appear in the photo alongside.
“I found the beads about six years later, and decided I would sell them, however that evening I felt compelled to wear them. It was the evening I attended the time travel class to make my first visit through my timeline. I dressed all in blue so that the beads would match my outfit.
During that class I visited my terrified two year old self and supported her through the crisis of being lost on a beach, taken by a stern woman to a lost children caravan, and crying hysterically.
During that visit I was able to calm my child self by hugging her, and telling her she was safe and Mummy was coming for her soon. It would be okay. I’m sure she could see me even though I wasn’t physically with her.
It turned out this childhood experience was the root cause of my irrational fear of getting lost as an adult. I would have palpitations, sweating and an inability to think straight any time I got lost. It was really debilitating.
Somehow this sense of feeling safe that I was able to give my child self, has now travelled through my timeline and helped me overcome my adult fear of getting lost. That is remarkable in itself, but what happened a few weeks later left me speechless.
My Mother told me when I was a child I had described my “imaginary friend” to her, as a lady in blue clothes with long blue beads! Wow, just wow! ”
the experience of a mystery solved
After a guided journey during a workshop, a lady came rushing to the front highly emotional, she was very keen to tell us about her incredible experience having just visited her child self.
She went back into the bedroom she had slept in as a child and held her child from behind sending healing energy and speaking to her. Mostly telling her child self that she would be fine, that all the childhood illnesses that she'd suffered so far would stop and she would be healthy from now on.
As she returned from traversing her timeline she sat quietly in her seat hugging herself as instructed, when suddenly a childhood memory surfaced. She remembered seeing a lady walk through the wall sit down behind her while telling her that she was going to be okay, and sending amazing energy; then the lady walked away back through the wall. As the child, she remembered being so shocked and running to tell her mother what had just happened.
Coming from a religious family her mother immediately thought her daughter had received a miraculous message from Mary mother of Jesus. The family were delighted and yes indeed the childhood illnesses stopped from that day forwards.
However, until that moment the lady had no idea the person she had seen as a child, who walked through the wall was her future self!
the experience of a forewarning
When we first wake up after sleeping, our future self has the opportunity to send us information, when our analytical mind is resting. These messages feel like a remarkably strong sense of knowing what to do, even if it seems unusual.
This TYT student managed to send a life-saving message back through her timeline.
Unknown to her, the apartment building where she lived in Amsterdam, was also occupied by a drug ring. The drug squad had been watching the drug ring for a while, just waiting for an opportunity to do a raid. The raid would be in the early morning hours, but they were concerned that the TYT student would still be in the building.
Luckily the day before the raid, she had a strong feeling to change her shift and start early the next day so she could finish early. Although she didn’t really know why, and didn’t really want to wake up super early for work, somehow she knew she must.
Returning home from work after her shift, she found her front door riddled with bullet holes and a strong police presence. The police told her, they has be so relieved to see her leave for work so early that morning. Had she been there, she could have been caught in the crossfire, as one of the gang was shooting at her door trying to open it, to get away from the police!
the first visit
Can be likened to pushing over the first domino of a line of dominos, all the others will fall into place by themselves. This is the beginning of your amazing adventure. You now have the information you need to Traverse Your Timeline. Good luck in all you do with the help of your future self. Happy traversing and feel free to share your experiences in the FaceBook group, where you can receive feedback and assistance. The eLearning Course Group
Lastly, you may find it interesting to watch this thought-provoking video
This inspiring and thought-provoking film created by Garrett John LoPorto, gives an insight into the notion that your future self is already helping you to choose the path to ‘success’.
I like his example of running through a forest blindfolded and being guided to avoid trees by your future self, who has run this way before and got to the centre.
The joy of time travelling along your timeline is that you may well understand it differently as you go on.
Should this link break search the title if you are interested in seeing it. “We are from the future, let there be light.”