Module seven part 5 - Prepare to meet your child self
learn how to get into the right frame of mind to help your younger self before you visit
use the court of divine justice from part 3 again if you need to satisfy your primal need for RETALIATION
ask your buddy to work with you as a sounding board
visit your child self at the times of the events you REMEMBERED as guided in the audios
use the film clip method to help your child-self to change perspective of unpleasant memories
So now you have learned to create a good mood with your own brain chemicals, it’s nearly time to begin your journeys back to your child-self.
This meditation will take you on a remote view & influence journey into your own DNA and help you cleanse any ancestral patterns hiding there, and to guide you to clear your own self-sabotage patterns from the quantum root.
One last check, before you are ready to go, if you still feel any resentment or anger about things that happened to you as a child, please repeat the Court Of Divine Justice exercise, it will prove invaluable to your inner healing.
It’s a good idea to complete it three times for each person who caused you harm or upset, notice and acknowledge if and how the intensity of your feelings change.
lets go traverse your timeline
You will need around 30 mins of undisturbed time to complete each visit. With practice you may manage the journey in less time, depending on the intensity of any event. If and when you visit any intense memories use the Movie clip game to help your child.
If the event is too upsetting you may want to arrange to have a friend that you trust sit with you, or if this isn’t possible reach out to the FB group to request a buddy/mentor to work with you.
Travel to each memory at least three times on three separate occasions; as a rule of thumb you won’t need to do more than six times, except in extreme cases.
It’s more helpful to complete the first memory before starting on the second, complete the second then the third, and finally the fourth memory.