Module Four - Part 3 Draw aura energy
learn to draw unseen energy- how to draw the energy of a taste, smell, music and even love
Use the power of handwritten notes for upliftment
Learn to draw Aura-art (auragraphs) Build confidence and gain objective validation from at least three case studies. Practice until interpretations make sense to others
be aware of what can affect your INTERPRETATION and make notes to acknowledge your progress
drawing the unseen
Drawing the unseen involves intending to capture the energy of a subject, rather than its visible form. It means visually representing the intangible aspects of something.
Consider drawing the energy of taste, smell, sound, or even unconditional love. It may sound unusual, but it's about expressing what you feel with your being, not what you see with your eyes. It's like 'seeing with your heart.' Embrace this unique approach to art!
You’ll need colours to draw with and some practice paper. Choose which sense to work with first. Prepare two or three different options that obviously contrast with each other, so you can easily see differences in the drawings when you complete all three.
Start by activating the right brain and open up your Chakras to the heart. Instruction for opening, closing, cleansing and to activate the right brain are to be found in module one
Examples of contrasting energies.
TASTE *ginger tea, chocolate and water. ( See examples of quick sketches for this TASTE is here )
SOUND Mozart, Glen Miller and the Beatles.
SMELL Lavender, lemon and pepper
TOUCH Silk, sandpaper and Ice
After opening your chakras, close your eyes and made your intention to draw the energy of your chosen item eg *ginger tea connect to your senses (actually sip and taste the tea).
Then just be with the energy of whatever you have chosen until you feel like drawing it.
Reach for whatever colour feels right and draw letting go of thought. Let the energy of your senses lead your artwork. Do not be interested in how it looks, focus on how it feels.
If and when you feel logical thinking percolating up, (it’s often critical) simply notice that and pause to breathe again. Keep blocking your right nostril and breathing through the left one to achieve right-brain activation. Then continue when you feel it working. You may get a sense of being at one with the stimulus; like somehow being entangled with it.
When the drawing has come to a natural conclusion, cleanse your aura and sit quietly for a few minutes before continuing to the next drawing. It won’t take very long the flow naturally works quickly, although our logical mind will try to slow it down.
When you have completed all three drawings, cleanse and close your Chakras.
It’s interesting to share your pictures with friends, and can be surprising to find friends who vibrate on a similar frequency will be able to choose which pictures relates to which stimulus.
Practice this idea and have fun with it. Kids of all ages can enjoy it.
uplifting yourself
These original drawings, done by hand, were intended to portray the energy of feeling safe, loved and connected through the isolation of lockdown 2020. This can also can be helpful at times of uneasy feelings, high stress and upsets.
Can you tune in and feel the energy of the drawings?
Make notes of any feelings that you notice.
unconditional love when you need it
If ever you feel isolated, try making your bed with love and care in the mornings, then write a note and place under your pillow, ready to find in the evening.
It is such a lovely way of bringing in self love and a sense of connection. We can help ourselves to feel connected through our timeline. Your morning self, reaching through the timeline to yourself in the evening with unconditional love! Remember the strongest emotions win!
You can practice this technique by consciously putting your strongest energy into handwritten notes and/or quick sketches to leave for yourself or others, note the reactions you get as validation.
What is aura-art, also known as Aura graphs and what can it be used for?
Aura- Art is a drawing that representing the 'aura' or energy field around a being.
It reflects our life force energy and records emotional events and experiences, like a metaphysical autobiography.
Although the aura is usually not visible with the physical eye, using our intention, we can draw the aura by doing inspirational, quick, and thought-free drawings.
Interpreting these drawings is a way of bringing to light any messages within.
Remember, "a picture is worth a thousand words." Embrace the art of auragraphs!
energy constantly changes
Your aura changes constantly and subtly; energy is rarely static and what I have come to understand is that repetitive thoughts and actions actually create patterns within the auric field that can and do affect your feelings, behaviour and even your health.
If you are generally an upbeat person it will show in your aura, as it will if you are generally sad. In the same way if you mix with people regularly, their energy can ‘rub off’ onto you too.
Becoming aware of this allows you to cleanse unhelpful energy and manage mood swings. Your awareness of this will grow as you practice the exercises in this module, and cleansing your aura and closing your Chakras after you finish. Practice makes progress.
With practice, Aura-Art and it’s interpretation technique can be developed to diagnose imbalances in energy.
Should an imbalance be found, you can also create a an enVisioning Mandala to rectify the imbalance, often before disease can occur. See details of how to make an enVisioning Mandala in Module Six.
case studies
To conduct your case studies, you'll need at least three open-minded volunteers, ideally whom you don't know very well. Also prepare colored pastels, pencils, or crayons and paper for the sessions.
Before starting, make sure to read all instructions or watch the video.
You can also download the stickman template below the video to help you locate the colors on the body, which will help you to refine your interpretations.
The first step is to activate the right brain using your favorite method and open up your Chakras, focusing on the heart. Find instructions for opening, closing, and cleansing, as well as triggering the right brain in module one
reading for case studies
Begin by making your intention and explaining to your case study what you are going to do. Ask them to answer yes or no to the information you give as you interpret what you’ve drawn. Make it clear they should say no if they don’t understand, as both the yes and no responses will help you to refine your interpretation skills.
If your case study is with you in person go to a.
If you are connecting with your case study remotely on the internet or telephone, go to b.
intention AND tuning in
a. For in person readings, ask the person to sit with their arms outstretched towards you for a moment with palms up. Place your palms over theirs without touching, and state your intention something like this...
"I intend to draw an aura-graph for you (mention name) and to interpret your aura-graph in the most helpful way and for your highest good. Is that okay?"
At this point you may both feel the energy radiating from each other's palms in the form of heat, cold, tingling or such like. Or you may not feel anything, which is still okay to proceed. Wait for them to say yes it’s okay and then explain that you will draw firstly without speaking and you will then interpret the drawing for them. Take a few seconds, up to a minute, to tune in to their energy.
b. For remote readings, look at your case study through video call, or simply intend to make a connection if you can’t see them. Or you may like use a photograph of them to tune in with, which also only takes a few seconds. For email readings open their email and intend to connect with their energy for a few seconds. Make your intentions. "I intend to draw an auragraph for (mention name) and to interpret it into messages in the most helpful way and for their highest good.
drawing the auragraph
Pick up whichever colour just feels right without thinking how, why or what, and quickly draw over the stickman template worksheet. Allow the colour to move wherever it feels right, again making no judgement. Feel free to go beyond the lines of the template, draw quickly and let it flow. Use as many or as few colours as you need, wherever and however you are inspired, without trying or being logical about it. You don’t need to use the template if it doesn't appeal to you. The drawing is best done as quickly as possible and can be completed within a couple of minutes at most. Stop when it 'feels' finished.
Using your intuition attempt to make sense of what you’ve drawn. The right brain has received all the information, now it’s just a matter of interpreting that into practical language that can be understood and validated. Practice brings progress in this!
Feel what the colours evoke in you and what words or emotions they bring up to the surface. Begin to develop your inner voice, go within and ask. Notice whereabouts on the body of the template you have placed the colours, and think about how you can interpret these aspects as well. The template gives a context for interpretation, if you don’t use a template, just get a sense of approx where on the body the colours would lie as if you had drawn it over the body.
Use the lexicon for guidance if you need to, also refer to the 'how to' sections that are relevant from Module Three part 2 Colours, body area, symbols etc.
As you progress, it's a good idea to practise finishing the drawing and attempt interpretation, before looking at the interpretary workbook, checking in with it afterwards for extra validation or if you simply can't make sense of something. There is a saying that hindsight is the perfect science and we can use hindsight to help us check and build our interpretations after we receive our feedback from our case studies. Remember also if there is a difference in the study guide to the way you have interpreted, use your own ideas first, and stick to that if and when you get validation from the case study.
The feedback from your case studies is a vital part of your practice; both the yes and the no answers will help you fine tune your interpretation skills and makes notes as you go on.
In time you will probably modify the study guide so it sits well with your own thoughts. Remember to acknowledge what people say about their reading. Pay particular attention to the things you were able to discover about your case study that you didn't previously know. Make notes.
watch video demo & practice to make progress
You can also download the body template for your auragraph drawings here
How does our analytical mind AFFECT INTERPRETATION?
What do you see?
The Kanizsa Triangle isn't actually a white triangle, even though it appears to be one.
So, what is it? It's a set of three green shapes on white paper that creates an optical illusion of a triangle.
We can perceive this white triangle easily and rapidly because our brains want to make sense of it! The more we concentrate on it, the more we tend to visualise the lines that shape the triangle, and they seem to become clearer.
The Kanizsa Triangle illustrates how your logical mind can and does fill in any gaps so it creates something meaningful. Meaning sometimes we add things that aren’t actually there. It's good to be aware of this during readings, it acts as a prompt to mention only what you actually receive, rather than trying to build a story you think fits around what you received. It’s a very common mistake that causes misunderstanding and misinterpretation. There’s a fine line between what we are given and what we say, and practice with validations from case studies will help you to progress into the right side of the line.
This video explains why is it a good idea to cleanse and close your chakras after you have worked with someone else’s energy.
If you need a reminder of how to cleanse and close down go to Module One part 3
record your progress
Keep notes of relevant details in your readings with case studies, validating the parts they could understand and investigating further anything they could not understand. This will help you to understand your own interpretations and remind you of your progress.
Keep copies/ photos of your drawings if possible, along with your short summary of the relevant parts of your readings, this can often help with validations that come after the readings.
Also useful for the module quiz.
Pro tip give your case studies ref numbers so that you don’t record their personal information along with their name for data protection.