Module 4 part 4 The power of emotional energy
increase awareness of other people’s emotional energy and how it AFFECTs your energy
remember to close and cleanse
Whenever you are certain about something, think again.
Discover the power of the words ‘YES and’ as tools to change unhelpful emotions and move towards win win
become more familiar with innovation and creativity
the strongest energy wins
Have you ever felt great, then someone corners you and starts telling you their woes. The more you listen to them, the more they suck all the joy out of you?
Have you ever felt neutral about a situation and then all of a sudden, you get a strong feeling of anxiety about it for no apparent reason?
Did you know you can create a change in that energy in that moment?
The first element in the change is simply by remembering to cleanse away low level energy and close down your sensitive chakras as you learned in the foundation modules.
Find a good reason and lighten up
The second element is to find a reason to do something. Have you noticed how much stronger your energy is when you have a good reason for what you are doing? When you recognise the reason and pay attention to this idea you can make the most of this lighter energy to achieve things you may not have been able to before trying to use force.
That means that you play with the energy of allowing, rather than trying to force whatever you do. You stay attentive and focussed on your reason, without being desperate or impatient. Crack a joke and laugh more, whatever happened doesn’t matter; your energy is affected only by what you think happened. AND you can choose how to think in a way that benefits you, or not, it is your choice. Even if you are sure the outcome won’t be good, think again, whenever you are certain about anything, just think again. You can change your mind ad your energy!
How can our words change our energy?
The third element is the words we use; I was shocked to learn that we use the word NO at least four times more and as much as hundreds of times more, than we use the word YES.
Remember our words are magic, that’s why we spell them. However our magic spells often creep under our awareness radar, blocking our creative potential.
What if we could become so aware that ‘we create as we speak’ our awareness could lead us to change the energy in our lives.
How to start? By innovatively bringing two simple words into our conversation lets see how that might happen. Watch the TED TALK linked below, then have a go at the YES AND improv game at the bottom. Practice makes progress!
Can we be innovative?
*Innovation At its core, innovation is about introducing something new or different that adds value.
*Novation In law, it refers to the substitution of a new contract in place of an old one
However, let's take an interesting perspective on this. "Breaking down In-novation, as a new inner contract (method/idea) with yourself that replaces an old one." This thought-provoking idea suggests that innovation can extend beyond external changes and also apply to personal growth and transformation.
*Dictionary Definitions thanks to Oxford Languages
This is an amusing and potentially disruptive ( in a good way) Ted Talk explaining how your use of the words YES AND can change energy and outcomes. If the link should break search title ‘Two words that can change the world, Yes And’
Here’s a little game to practice using YES, AND, it’s good to do it with friends and family. It helps a win win mentality and cooperation. If the link breaks , just search the ‘yes and’ drama game.