Module One - Chakra's Part 2
Understand the roles of each specific chakra in this specific Wisdom School.
Learn how to connect with the flow
introducing the left hand path (LHP) chakra system
The Chakra system detailed here, has its roots in the teachings of Chan, the ancient Chinese guide of renowned psychic development teacher and trance medium Ivy Northage. Inspired by Chan’s teachings, Ivy Northage wrote Mediumship Made Simple, first published by The College of Psychic Studies in 1986. This system has been taught both at The Spiritualist Association Of Great Britain and The College Of Psychic Studies in London and is specifically used for the purpose of developing ESP, otherwise known as psychic ability and mediumship.
Homework for the module quiz: Study the diagram of the Chakra system and watch the video.
Note: Very little information is available about the Left Hand Path system (herein referred to as LHP) . It is a concept that is traditionally taught using the oral method, passing from master to student. It is a powerful system for developing your extrasensory abilities. These abilities can be used both for good, and not so good. As you continue your personal and psychic development, choose your development teachers wisely. If your gut feeling says no, hear that NO.
where are the chakras and what do they do?
Positioned at the base of the spine. The Base is the doorway into which the energy or Prana (Breath of life) can flow from the earth, upwards into the Aura. It is a grounding energy and it is said that when the student is ready the energy rises up from the base to the thrid eye, and enlightmentment is achieved.
the base chakra is always open
Significance: Entry portal Fuels: Life force, vitality Duality: Static or Active. Vibrating: around the frequency of the note C and the colour red.
Solar Plexus
Positioned beneath the navel centrally. Pregnant woman often place their hands over it to feel connection with their unborn baby. The Solar Plexus is the first Chakra that you will learn to open and close with your intention. In doing so you activate your metaphysical awareness or sixth senses. It is responsible for what is commonly referred to as your primal ‘gut reaction’. The Solar Plexus acts as a shock absorber and it were we begin to transform energy into information. It is also thought to be the source of ‘ectoplasm’, which is an opaque visible energy, similar to a thick, cold, damp white cloud. It can be used for objective physical phenomena.
the solar plexus chakra can be opened and closed
Significance: Alchemy Fuels: Creation Duality: Love or Fear. Vibrating around the frequency of the note D and the colour orange.
Positioned to the left side of the navel, the Spleen is the second Chakra you will learn to open to activate metaphysical ability. It can discern positive or negative influences and provide empathic information from other people, as well as our surroundings. It also enables conscious awareness of other dimensions, and facilitates Out of Body Experiences OBE’s; as well as remote viewing and influencing. We use this Chakra extensively during lucid dreaming, remote viewing and traversing your timeline in Module seven.
The spleen chakra can be opened and closed
Significance: Junction to the left hand pathway Fuels: Knowledge, choice and empathy. Duality: Conscious or unconscious; on or off, go or stop. Vibrating around the frequency of the note E and the colour yellow.
If you close the spleen chakra while you are having an OBE you will be sucked back into the body as if a genie in a lamp! Useful to know if you ever get stuck out of body.
The heart Chakra comprises of a network of six chakras and generates the largest electro-magnetic field in the body, sixty times greater than the brain. In this sytem it sits to the left of the chest and is linked with the central heart Chakra used in other wisdom schools. Both large heart Chakras are connected to four smaller Chakras known in Sanskrit as ‘Laghu Hrdaya’ or ‘small heart’, which are located in the palms of the hands and in the soles of the feet.
Heart chakra is the doorway between psychic and mediumistic energy & can be opened and closed
Significance: Healing Fuels: Compassion & Love Duality: Light or Heavy
Vibrating : around the frequency of the note F(lower) to F# (upper) and the colour green.
The Heart Chakra is sectioned into upper and lower levels. It can facilitate healing, spirit-inspired art, heart centred *flat screen visions and it conveys information as physical feelings and emotions.
The lower section conveys information from physical embodied consciousness, and physical environment; this is psychic ability.
The upper section conveys information from non-physical spirit consciousness, this is mediumistic ability. When practicing mediumship the heart Chakra transmits feelings along with heart centred visions to confirm the often more factual information that is received through the throat Chakra.
Heart-centered visions are shown to a medium as if appearing on a *flat screen. Spirit uses the mediums own familiar memories to to help portray something close enough to the message they are trying to impart. The medium is not actually seeing spirit through these visions, although it is sometimes referred to as clairvoyance.
These images are used by the medium like the guessing game of charades.
Medium "I can see a man limping, he appears to have a problem with his leg. Do you understand?"
Recipient ”Yes, he hurt his leg and needed a stick to walk.”
The medium needs validation, to confirm what they think they saw. Memory seeing can be an unreliable sense, similar to our sense of smell, when compared to a dog such as a bloodhound. This can explain why mediums who work mostly at the heart level are not always sure about the information they receive and need to ask questions to confirm meaning.
Positioned at the throat, this chalkra is used in mediumship to 'hear' spirit this subtle listening is known as Clairaudience. Using the throat Chakra the medium can interpret words as well as the images they were shown on a heart level.
The throat chakra can be opened and closed
Significance: Communication Fuels: Information & Knowledge Duality: Sound or Silence. Vibrating around the frequency of the note G and the colour blue.
Medium " I can see a man limping, he is telling me he broke his leg, and he’s giving me the smell of smoke."
Recipient “ Yes that’s right, he broke his leg running away from a fire.
Here, the more detailed information is easily validated without asking questions.
This Chakra is also able to detect spiritual smell and taste. If you can smell things that no one else around can smell, it’s highly possible your throat chakra is open and receiving spiritual communication. Also be aware the throat chakra does not operate like your physical hearing. The hearing is so subtle and quick, it may at first seem like your own thoughts, but with practice you will be able to tell the difference.
Third Eye
The primary eye, often labelled as the third eye, is positioned at the centre brow and is said to be associated with the pineal gland, although no evidence is presented for that. It is rare that a spiritual medium can communicate while they are using this Chakra. It offers multi-dimensional holographic type visions. This vision is noteably different from the flat screen memory vision provided by the heart Chakra. Holographic vision offers the ability to see everything / everywhere all at once, often seeing things that you have never seen before, so it can be confusing. Wherever you focus you can zoom in on that area, whether it is at the front, back or even inside of something. In my years of experience I have been unable to speak while this vision appears; when I try to speak the image instantly dissapears. I believe we can only access this imagery with the right side of the brain, hence the inability to talk at the same time. I have come to regard it as an omni-present view that we have at birth but learn to tune out of as we learn to speak.
The third eye chakra can be opened and closed
Significance: Clairvoyant Perception; clear sight. Fuels: Phenomenon Duality: Yin & Yang Vibrating : Around the note A and the colour Indigo
Positioned at the top of the head, the Crown remains an open channel and it is said our soul leaves the body through this portal when this lifetime is complete. The Crown Chakra blends red and blue, life force and communication; it is a natural bridge to the Creative Energy Source, God or what I refer to as the Omni-versal Mind. It is often used in meditation or prayer.
theCrown chakra is always open
Significance: Omni-consciousness Fuels: Wisdom and inspiration. Duality: Noumenon, singularity, non duality, beyond the physical realm. The seat of the witness. Vibrating around the frequency of the note B and the colour Violet.
more about the heart network
Holding hands forms a heartfelt emotional network of energy
The network of Heart Chakras in the LHP system, help you make a connection when you shake hands with another person. You literally are connecting heart to heart to sense each other’s energy. There is an ongoing exchange of energy when you hold hands.
This is important energy when creating inspirational art
When you have your hands in prayer position, palm-to-palm, you balance the yin and yang energy in your system. We often need to calm the left logic brain to be able to communicate in the flow.
Earth connection
Walking barefoot, enables the heart chakras in your feet to connect with Earth and receive it’s communication. The modern day disconnection from Earth could well be a result from the fact that we rarely walk barefoot in our day-to-day life, often walking on synthetic shoes, or driving everywhere on rubber tyres.
When you reconnect with Earth, by walking barefoot regularly, you simply ‘know’ what to do, and remaining in balance with, the Earth’s energy.