Module eight part 6 - Spirit Guides
Know the difference when a spirit guide connects
note the ‘RELEVANT’ details for spirit guides
Remember to allow spirit to lead and then explore what you were given, Become PROFICIENT in seeing what you have drawn
acknowledge any validation you receive, there may be no validating photographs so the client feedback is vital
search to find validation for your drawings online
Practice six case studies giving the relevant details and validation
ensure you have validated loved ones, before attempting spirit guides, so you can be more confident you are connecting with real spirits
remember to make your progress notes as you go along
what are Spirit guides?
People often ask what is a spiritual guide and how do I get one?
In my many years of experience connecting to guides, I have formed this opinion. Keep in mind that others' opinions may differ. In this matter, there can be no right or wrong answer, just one that is more or less helpful. You get to choose!
A Spirit Guide is a helping hand in spirit from a wise old spirit when you need it, but only if and when you ask for it. If you need help and are open to receiving it, just ask for it.
When we ask, those in the spirit world come forward to offer us that help. We may also receive assistance from our own future selves, who are heavily invested in helping us.
'They all' want to help us on this Earth to move onto a higher vibration so that we can all evolve. The 'currency' in the spirit world is love, energy, experience, and information. Whenever help is given to anyone, we gain all or some of these precious things.
Moreover, your future self surely wants to help you, as their investment also benefits them directly.
Often, when we sleep, we have the opportunity to meet potential guides from whom we can choose those we deem beneficial to work with us.
not so easy to validate
Validating an ancient Spiritual Guide portrait is often not as easy. Photographs of ancient guides are rare, although occasionally it is possible to find evidence, such as through sculptures created before the advent of photography.
For example, this ancient Maori guide bears resemblance to a death mask found online, which was discovered after the portrait was drawn. This provides some credibility to the drawing.
In general, however, validation for spirit guides is limited. That's why I usually advise students to focus on validating portraits of loved ones before attempting to connect with guides. This approach lends credibility to your ability to draw validated portraits and the accompanying information before attempting guides.
I have come across spirit artists who only specialise in drawing spirit guides. Interestingly, many of their portraits appear similar to each other in features and style. It is unclear to me how they work or where the images come from, perhaps from their own experience and knowledge, rather than from spirit. I also notice that often these artists do not offer portraits of loved ones that can be validated.
In my opinion, while this work may be helpful and fascinating to people, it often lacks substantial credibility. I prefer to teach the importance of validating loved ones first before delving into the realm of spirit guides. This way, we can establish some credibility, so that sometimes even skeptics find value in what we bring forth.
Guide Validation
The validating photograph of Alfred Russel Wallace was provided after the guide drawing. It is interesting to note the mirror image effect, as seen in the opposite side hair parting.
The client also pointed out that I had seemingly missed drawing his glasses. However, upon zooming in, we discovered that the glasses were indeed present, albeit subtly represented by a subtle band across the bridge of his nose and thin round frames characteristic of Wallace. I had not initially noticed them until closer examination. This discovery continues to fascinate me!
are you ready to draw spirit guides?
Once you feel confident in drawing and validating loved ones, you may find joy in expanding your abilities to include spiritual guides.
The technique remains the same, but the intention becomes the determining factor. It is important to be clear in your intention to draw a spirit guide. Sometimes, a loved one can also serve as a person's guide, and this may become apparent as you connect and receive information. The other difference lies in the specific information you seek from the guides.
Spirit guides can manifest in various shapes and forms. What sets them apart is the energy you will feel when connecting with them, which differs from the energy of loved ones. A helpful metaphor is to imagine being in a hospital bed, where family and friends come to visit you, entering the room to offer emotional support through hugs and holding hands. In contrast, when a spiritual guide visits, they stand at the door with a sense of presence, offering support without overwhelming emotions.
The selection of guides depicted in the accompanying picture showcases their unique and diverse appearances. There is no set style to their portrayal, and the energy felt and observed in each guide is distinct. Can you identify the guide that represents a future self portrait? Test your intuition in the revision quiz and make note of your hunch!
Lastly, among the guides depicted, can you identify the one representing a miscarried child who watches over her mother and sister from the spirit world? Look for the guide on the bottom row, wrapped in a white blanket.
Relevant details for spirit guides
Here are the relevant details you need to talk about when offering a client their spiritual guide:
Gender: Some individuals may be interested in knowing the gender of their spirit guide, also give information if and why it’s important to know or not?
Skills and expertise: Discovering the skills and expertise that a spirit guide brings can be helpful in understanding how they can assist you on your spiritual journey. This could include areas such as healing, wisdom, creativity, or communication.
Purpose or mission: It is valuable to explore the specific reason or purpose that a spirit guide has come to help you with. This can provide insights into the guidance, support, or lessons they offer.
Mutual cooperation: Understanding how you can collaborate with your spirit guide is important. Reflect on how you can actively participate and contribute to the partnership, allowing them to assist you in the best possible way.
Signs of presence: Knowing how to recognise when a spirit guide is around you is crucial. This can include sensations, intuitive messages, synchronicities, or other signs that indicate their presence and guidance.
the four-legged family
When drawing animal loved ones, the same techniques used for human portraits apply, but the intention shifts towards capturing the essence of the animal.
This will give you the context you need to help you to see what comes through. Over the years our wonderful furry friends have come through, not always for a portrait but sometimes yes they have, as you see in the pictures.
Animals have a way of communicating without words. Stay open to any messages or insights that may come through during the drawing process. Be receptive to their mental communication and the information they convey.
My best advice is to have fun with them and be light-hearted, the unconditional love they bring is solid. Enjoy their mental communication, it’s surprising what information they can muster!
You did it!
Congratulations on completing the course! It's wonderful to see your dedication and progress. Remember, practice is key to further refining your skills and deepening your connection with spirit.
Stay connected by joining workshops and retreats that will support and enhance your journey. Look out for updates on the mailing list, social media channels, and The eLearning Course Facebook group. These opportunities will provide valuable guidance and allow you to continue growing in your spiritual portrait work.
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Thank you for investing your time and effort in this course. We appreciate your trust and commitment. By uplifting and supporting others, we all elevate together. Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in your spiritual portrait journey!