Part 4 - The art of creating future


Create your drawing in the time and place that suits you

draw freely using the energy of your intent along with the feelings of having already achieved your goal as explored in part 2

drawing out your future

do you have a plan?

We wouldn’t try to build a house without a drawing a plan. However, many people build their lives without a plan and feel like like a small boat on the volatile sea of life, often believing ‘fate’ has dealt them a rough ride, or else a lucky break.

Let go of any perceived rules!

This is your time to create your future, a time to draw out the plan for your goal. Pick colours that best match your goal, check the lexicon in Module three part 3 for help with interpretation if you can’t decide.

Feel free, there are no best ways or particular shapes required that limit you. This drawing is all about drawing out as many of the feelings of success and feel-good emotions you can conjure up. The stronger the energy the better.

Use the potent feelings you get by imagining that you already achieved your goal, keep thinking about what you would do then.

You can add words to the drawing if you wish; using scribbles or swirls, lines or shapes, follow the flow, by allowing and without trying too hard, go with it in whichever way you are inspired.

It doesn’t matter how the finished drawing looks, but how it feels will indeed matter, literally, it will manifest reality; this is the magic that you need!

When you have finished feel into it and then decide if you achieved the feeling you want before you proceed. If not have another go, sometimes we are still clearing out old patterns, trust that you will know.

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it’s all about how looking at it makes you feel

Several examples created over the years, that had surprisingly quick results!

Can you feel the energy? A picture speaks 1000 words…

June-Elleni Laine