Module Four Part 1 - enhanced perception
have art supplies for drawing - recommended products here
learn and use the acronym H.E.A.R to enhance your perception and communication skills
learn how to say no or disagree kindly
do the self enquiry meditation - and draw as directed. discover what may be preventing you from making the progress you desire
Learn and practice ‘this n that’ technique and use it to ACHIEVE heightened mind control, creativity and problem solving skills
remember to acknowledge your progress, self worth begins with self! Make notes, self-talk can become your friend when you acknowledge your progress.
Clear communication is a key to success
When you adopt clear and positive communication with yourself and others, you will increase your value. This is also true in our communication with the spiritual realms during readings, and also in our everyday life. Consider this, if you were to speak to your friends the way you sometimes ‘speak’ to yourself, could you end up friendless? If yes, then your aim is to be much kinder to yourself.
Communication is an art that is often overlooked and undervalued. When you become more mindful of the ways in which you communicate, you can realise it’s easy and beneficial to include a heartfelt measure of empathy into your conversations. When empathy is present, everyone feels it, consciously or not, but the results are significantly more peaceful with a satisfactory outcome for everybody; in other words a win-win situation.
There’s also an art in knowing when to walk away from a challenging conversation at the right time. If the conversation is at a stalemate, walking away creates space for self-reflection and gives others the chance to self-reflect as well.
Please learn this technique and practice using it during your interactions with others in everyday life as well as during your readings for people. Test it out and please be mindful of your results, make notes. It’s a great way to learn to be clear and say no when you need to. People often forget what is said, but they tend to remember how they felt, especially about a difficult interaction.
h.e.a.r technique
Especially useful during challenging or awkward interactions
1. when someone makes a request of you
2. when you need to make a request of others
When someone makes a request of you
Listen to what’s being said in order to HEAR and understand, rather than waiting for a pause to reply, be receptive and curious. Repeat what you think you HEARD to make sure.
“I think I heard you say <repeat what you heard>, did I get that right?”
If people make an unreasonable or confusing request, when they hear it spoken back to them, they often clarify it or sometimes even change it.
2. When you have to make a request of anyone else
Make your request as short and simple as possible, then ask the other person to tell you what they HEARD
“I wonder if I was clear about that, can I just check what you heard me ask you to do?”
When people don’t actually hear clearly what we ask, they can’t possibly act on it, it’s a waste of our time and effort, which often leads to the blame game.
EMPATHISE Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Feel into what it might be like if the situation was reversed. If they insist on an unreasonable request being met know it’s not a personal attack on you so stay calm.
“I think you want me to <‘repeat what you heard’> If they agree you heard right follow with…
“I understand it may be disappointing for you that I won’t be able do that, because the problem is … <state your problem>”
EMPATHISE Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Feel into what it’s like if the situation was reversed. If they can’t complete your request, know it’s not a personal attack on you so stay calm. Acknowledge why they are unable to do it.“ You can’t do it because of <Repeat what they said>.” If you they agree you heard right follow with…
“ I hear ( repeat what they said) but I still need to get this done quickly and I’d be really grateful if you can find a way to fit it in. When could you get it done?”
When you can’t do something, take ACTION negotiate a compromise and if possible give choices, offer what you can do.
“I could do this now and that by tomorrow, or vice versa, how does that sound?”
If they can’t do something, take ACTION negotiate a compromise and if possible give choices.
“Is there anything I could do to help you make it happen, is there anything you need that would make it possible?”
If your suggested action is acceptable, win win.
If the situation remains unresolved repeat HEAR and negotiate until a solution can be reached.
Do what you can within your boundary to help get the job done.
If the situation remains unresolved repeat HEAR and negotiate until a solution can be reached.
What to do if a request is not completed after an agreement was made
Ask a second time mentioning the agreement that was made and still not completed. Be curious, ask what they might need to keep to the agreement, If necessary negotiate a new agreement within a set time limit.
Eg. “Hey I’ve noticed this didn’t get done, even though we already agreed it would be completed at that time. Can you please get it done today or let me know if there’s a problem or something you need in order to get it done by the end of the day.”
3 is the limit
Still not resolved -
On the third and last time of asking introduce a *CONSEQUENCE. This will help to reinforce a boundary and moves towards the end of a potentially draining situation. “I noticed this still isn’t done, can you please tell me what the problem is?”
(Listen using HEAR)
Depending on if you get an excuse or a good reason for the delay. Make your consequence fit the situation. You may say something like this…
“Yes, I understand, and now we need to find another way to get this done by tomorrow latest, otherwise … <state the *consequence that will happen if it’s not done in time>
If it’s still not done after the third time of asking with a clear consequence. You must realise that person won’t or can’t do that task and you must implement the *consequence you gave.
choice is empowering
We can’t force somebody to do something, instead we can simply give choices and consequences. Just as we can choose to do something or not, based on our experience of the consequences.
If a task continues to be undone, we may realise the person we asked to do something simply isn’t capable, so we must find someone else to do that task.
Sometimes, walking away to breathe can give both parties time to self-reflect on what was discussed. Stay calm.
Often surprising results can happen, when the consequences of failure are made clear. Mostly people won’t chooses to fail on purpose, when they could win, us included! Go for a win win whenever possible.
self enquiry - a deep listening experience
Be open and receptive, have paper and a SELECTION of soft pastel colours ready to draw with.
Listening with your whole body is an amazing experience that can rebalance your energy and lead to a deeper understanding of yourself, of other people, and of your individual place in the world.
The practice of allowing everything to be as it is, can often ignite inner peace. Once in that place of inner peace, we no longer want to feed drama, we loose any desire to gossip, and we gain the clarity that leads to self-mastery.
Following on from a brief introduction to Cymatics in Module Two Part 1, you can experience the healing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls supporting this meditation, with thanks to sound healer Ian Dale.
These sounds were created to engage the listener into right-brain receptive awareness. This meditation will help you draw out information that you can interpret in answer to a question you can ask before doing the meditation. It can be used as an ongoing tool for answering important questions later.
In the quiz for this module, one of the questions asks ‘what is preventing me from making changes I desire?’ When you feel ready to ask that particular question, you can use this exercise to explore your answer. Enjoy!
building on intuitive intelligence
This and That technique is a powerful technique to add to your tool box that literally only takes ten minutes and can be life changing, time and time again.
It can be used to inspire new ideas, achieve ah-ha moments of deep understanding, and serve as a creative problem solving tool.
It helps to increase your intuitive intelligence - that means using inspiration and logic together in cooperation. Right-brain and Left-Brain in harmony
Experience this for yourself during the right and left brain interplay that is induced by this exercise in the audio below.
‘This N That’ Technique
Choose 2 contrasting topics to focus on for this exercise -
1. A goal that you need inspiration to complete ( this is a left-brain task)
2. An activity that makes you feel good (this engages the right-brain)
During the meditation you’ll be asked to spend the first and every other minute in silence thinking about ways to achieve the goal you chose; such as setting up a new project, solving a problem or changing an unhelpful mindset or situation.
You’ll also be asked to spend the second and every other minute focussing on and feeling into, the activity you chose that makes you feel good; such as hugging a loved one, relaxing in the sunshine or having a massage.
Background sounds will play that are designed to trigger right brain dominance, during the second and every other minute. These sounds may annoy you initially as the left brain struggles to keep dominance. Just breath through any annoyance you may experience. Then you can discover something interesting may happen … enjoy!
Make notes, this can bring you some amazing break through ideas!