
business training

We offer cutting-edge training courses that CREATE BRAIN SYNC to achieve heightened cooperation between logic and intuition.

why us? 

To understand the true nature of the universe, one must think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
—  Nikola Tesla

Often business mentally is so ‘tuned out’ of the world of energy, empathy, and resonance that new ‘norms of behaviour’ are aggressive rather than cooperative and destructive rather than supportive – and often that's within the same company. It’s no wonder the rate of mental illness is on the increase and business as well as society is suffering. Our training builds better relationships and helps unleash creative potential in a balanced and cooperative way. 

Who can benefit?

Companies with high absence rates
Companies and entrepreneurs who are looking to improve performance and in-house culture
Decision Makers, Managers and Problem Solvers
Creative in-house departments or agencies

Human Resources and L&D teams

  1. What will trainees take away?

    Toolbox of techniques that –

    1.    Aid problem solving

    2.    Enhance creativity and future building

    3.    Boost resilience to emotional upset

    4.    Improve communication skills

    5.    Increase ability and enthusiasm to embrace a ‘we can do it’ mentality

    6.    Heighten confidence and intuition

    7.    Help set goals and achieve them 

    8.    Assist ‘team’ mind-set and still remain a healthy individual

    Enrich management skills

  2. Course Duration?

    Day 1 Evening introduction 2 hour

    Day 2 & 3 10.00 -17.00 break for lunch 

    Check up by Skype one hour meeting monthly for six months 



About the Trainers

As a team they share heightened perception techniques and communication skills to draw out and correct patterns hidden in the subconscious mind, which cause self-sabotage and decreased performance.


June-Elleni Laine founded and directed a successful £multi-million fashion business that exceeded aggressive budgets in Y1 and trebled turnover by Y3. She believes her intuition and ability to empower people had a huge roll to play in this success. She is now a leading international educator raising consciousness and has become an expert in brain syncing both through study and practice of over 30 years. Having qualified as an Ayurvedic Health Educator, she also has a keen interest in mental health, physical wellbeing and science. She thrives on pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible. As the creator of a new eLearning Course her objectives are to re-establish creativity, cooperation and collaboration harbouring a positive working environment, boost performance, widen strategy and astute management techniques so as to stem the growing tide of aggressive mismanagement that leads to emotional problems and dis-ease in the workplace.


Suzanne Bunt has experience in business arenas such as catering, hotel management, education, social work, and has become an expert in communication skills. She built her business as an acredited counsellor and art therapist over many years working with adults, young people and young children. During this period Suzanne developed and implemented structures that met the needs of the deaf community and pioneered the way forward in this arena. Her skills and knowledge have supported clients to change thinking style, increase self-awareness and use valuable life hacks to improve their effectiveness. She believes everyone can benefit emotionally and physically from having their own toolbox of skills, to support themselves in work as well as socially. Having worked with the profoundly deaf, Suzanne is a proficient communicator in sign language, which has been a useful skill not only for interpretation, but also in shifting her own thinking style to help her understand body language, semiotics and proxemics.